Beat City
I had a hiccup last weekend that I think started with some writer’s block. It was a beautiful five-day weekend and the wine was flowing. I had all the good intentions of taking it easy this month and getting shit done but 'you know,' May happened and the weather was great. Sometimes you have to let go of the day and do some drinking while gardening on the balcony. Bouncing back from a long weekend can be hairy. The older I get the worse it feels. I can usually tell by my sleeping habits how the recovery is going.
Last night I dreamt of writing a new blog post. I had some great ideas. The pressure to create an amazing blog post was pushing the dream. I could feel it coming together with great pics and interesting content. I still feel something is there but I just can't get it out. It's hanging on. I think this is a good thing. There is some kind of process going on. I was literally dreaming of the layout and the topic. I was sitting at the computer working on it all night in my sleep. It was kind of exhausting.
New York City can be very tiring. I used to complain about it, but what’s the point? You could really lose yourself in this city if you don't watch out. It's always moving forward. A day or a night could go in any direction. Change is life and NYC is constant change. Sit on a park bench and watch the world go by or jump in and swim.
Hudson River Swim, BPC, Photo by Getch
One minute it can be beautiful and the next minute it can yell and scream like a banshee. NYC doesn't love you, but it doesn't hate you either. New York just stares at you with intrigue, watching your next move and how you’re going to react with whatever it throws at you next. I have always had a love/hate relationship with this city. But I have come to see my fate. And it looks like I'm not going anywhere soon.
I've become a New Yorker. I've given up on the hate part and decided to love this city with all it's beauty and bullshit. Maybe it's the restless dreams last night or finally connecting myself to the city, but it feels like a relief. The combination of celebration and unplanned conversation with other New Yorkers over the five-day weekend has opened my eyes. Why fight it? Jump in and go with the flow. Remember the experiences and tell the stories. Give it attitude and confidence.
After a trip to Union Square for Plants last Friday. We opened our balcony. It's a little bit of heaven in this city. The rest of the weekend we walked the streets of New York. We saw a friend’s art. We shopped at some cool stores. We stopped at some bars owned by friends, met some new people and ate some great food. I guess you can't ask for much more than that from a city.
It may not be an amazing blog post, but it felt good getting this out. Thanks for reading. GET NOTIFICATIONS
Morning in NYC, Photo by Getch
Morning in NYC, Photo by Getch